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Last week restaurants, gyms and shops reopened.

Though this is exciting, it also reminded me that we can easily go back to old habits and ditch our new way of living.

By this, I'm referring to the skills and activities you've learnt during lock down that can easily be replaced with the past. I'm aware for some, this can be a scary time as you try to navigate going out safely for you & your family.

So, whether you find yourself in either of these two categories, here are a 10 ways to doing lifting of lockdown the right way.

1.Take more walks outside

Keep exploring your local town’s parks and nature reserve. An article by Piedmount healthcare show that being outdoors can provide mental relief and reduce stress, since sunshine produces a hormone called serotonin which affects your mood. It can also challenge your body by improving your flexibility in your joints.

I’ve mentioned in a previous post that walking can boost creativity and reduce stress. Research suggests that just 30mins a day of walking can help to increase metabolism and also cognitive function in our brain.

2.Spend time with family

If there’s anything I learnt during a pandemic, it’s the love and support from family can never be replaced. We hold precious memories seeing children grow, parents age, siblings get married or move abroad. I particularly enjoy the various debates when watching the dragon's den show on iTV.

If you’re in a position where family isn’t close by or here, I’d encourage you to find a family group or community of people who will support and cheer you on along your journey.

3.Workout at home or outside

There are lots of accessible workouts online that are a fraction of what you’d pay at a gym. If you’re still in the process of reducing your debts and increasing your savings, consider working out at home or outdoors. All you need is to improvise with weights using water bottles, take hilly roads as step climbers and use your body weight to build muscle.


Its spring here in the UK and a popular time to sit in the park or outdoors at a pub. Finding time to read your favourite novels and educational books will continually improve your focus, knowledge as well as reduce stress. You can use useful apps such as Kindle & Audible to find a variety of books from educational to fiction and biographies.

I'm currently listening to Chase the Lion by Mark Batterson on Audible.

Feel free to also check out my post on the 30 day read a book challenge here.

5.Enjoy sitting in the company of your home

Find creative ways to make your home a space where you want to be and possibly invite a few friends over once lockdown is fully lifted. Enjoying the company of being in your home brings a sense of belonging and peace.

You'll also create memories to remember when you see it as a place to be treasured and love.

What fun things do you do in your home?

Personally, I enjoy dancing ridiculously crazy to my favourite songs while trying to cook for the family. I've learnt to make the most of these times, especially when I don't feel like it.

6.Make time for self-development

You’ve picked up a new skill, read more books, learnt how to speak a language and gave your attention to a passion you felt like you never had time for.

Keeping to continual growth and learning with the skills we’ve picked up during lockdown is crucial for our self-development, which in turn will benefit those around you.

7.Minimise clutter

With shops opening, we can easily pile up on material goods that build up clutter and before you know it, your hard efforts to try and keep a simple home would’ve gone out the window.

De-cluttering or practicing minimalism has wonderful benefits. It provides for a more intentional living by allowing us to identify what’s important, giving you time and space for the things that truly matter.

8.Cook more

Restaurants are now open for outdoor sitting and it can be tempting to make up for lost times and indulge in your favourite places to eat. However, cooking provides so many benefits; not only does it save you a lot but it’s healthier in the long run.

Meal prepping is one way to go as it’s efficient and saves you time. You can make delicious nutritious meals that fuel your body and doesn’t eat into your pocket much.

9.Build your network online

Lockdown has practically moved everything online. From interviews, group meetings, virtual weddings and so forth, it’s important to continue building your network. Platforms such as LinkedIn, twitter and Instagram give you opportunities to reach out to people in your field of interest. If you run a blog or YouTube channel, network with other influencers within your platform and with those that motivate you.

10.Consume less, create more

Having access to several social media sites is great because it gives businesses and freelancers an opportunity to showcase their work. It also allows for the ordinary individual to post their interests and hobbies. However, consuming too much of it can stop us from creating and this can distract us from spending quality with people we love.

Find something to create today. It could be art, music, writing, poetry, cooking, building a new app.

Plan it out and start creating today. Have you thought of something yet?

Lots of love,




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