What you can do even when you’re stuck at home
We’ve now entered into a new month and for most of us this could look exactly the same as the last.
We wake up, get ready, start work or college, finish work, catch up on your favourite show before sleep and then the cycle repeats itself.
I guess we realise that there is more to life than just going through the regular routine of our day.
Something has to change & here's how you can do it.
5 ways to start winning your day.
One of these recommendations came from the author of win the day (Mark Batterson). I’d highly recommend reading the book if you’re interested.
How you start your day really matters. You have to be intentional about what you will do and how will you do it.
That’s why speaking positive affirmations is important to start your day.
An affirmation is anything you think or say to yourself. It’s a way of reminding your sub-conscious that you are taking responsibility and are beginning to make a change.
You can easily write up your own affirmations or choose some from your favourite authors or influential leaders.
Personally, I find writing your own is effective because you can adjust it to your current circumstances and where you want to be.
Speak affirmations like, "I will not let my past own my present, but I will continue to look forward,” “My arms are strong for the tasks ahead of me,” “I find joy in every step and I’m more than my feelings.”
I’m sure you’ve come across productive morning routines online and in most of them you find sections where the person has time to focus on their tasks.
Whether it's working, responding back to emails or creating artistry.
Creating time blocks of focus gives you undistracted time to get that task done.
This is where you put your phone on silent, pause all shows and notifications and just work.
Robin Sharma suggests 90mins of a focus bubble, where you create and build on the thing you are working on.
To start winning your day, I believe small changes lead to sustainable results.
Start with 30 mins of focus time and allow only important emails to come through and schedule important calls around it.
Then build this up to an 1hr until you’re able to do a full 90mins of focus time.
“Big life change comes through a series of small life changes.” – John Maxwell
This is one by Mark Batterson.
The concept of eating the frog comes from Mark Twain’s famous quotes; “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”
In his book win your day, Mark Batterson questions the reader to write down what to do list items you are most likely to procrastinate on?
What goals do you keep writing down over and over again because you haven’t taken the first step?
What difficult decision are you delaying?
That my friend is your frog.
Once you have figured out what your frog, make a strategy and give yourself a deadline to get it done.
Notice the quote also says in the morning. This means having a planned morning that will set you up for success.
You can also start this gradually by deciding to do 15mins of that task first thing in the morning every day and increase when you get better at it.
What is your frog and how will you attack it today?
Since most our jobs take up 7-9hrs of our time, it would suck to spend it miserable and unhappy.
How can you lead in what you do and give your best?
I recently took on a part time job working as a delivery driver and turned my car into a party while I drove to customer’s houses. I mean might as well enjoy the next 3hrs on the road delivering parcels.
You could be a service agent, an analyst or consultant, whatever it is you do, find creative ways to enjoy it and lead in your current position.
Can you do more than what you’re currently putting in right now?
Are you operating at your highest level while you help a client or serve a customer?
Finding purpose in your work will give you more opportunities to experience a bright filled day.
It will also impact your behaviour and help to overcome any obstacles that we face.
Lead without a title – Robin Sharma
We often feel like our day has gone by quickly if we don’t spend time doing the things we love.
Do you enjoy writing, painting, cooking, or creating?
Schedule in time for atleast 15mins a day, so you feel you’ve given time to your passions.
You'll feel more fulfilled and at peace, knowing that you done something for yourself today.
Another benefit is that you'll maintain healthy relationships with your family, friends and reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
“Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.” ― Akiroq Brost
Sending you my love,