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We've all heard the saying, 'early bird catches the worm.’

How often do we find it difficult, especially in the winter season to get yourself out of bed and get moving.

Lately I’d been trying to practice a morning routine, that would suit my needs. This is because for most of us working from home has become a norm, and trying to find a productive morning to start our day can be quite challenging.

I've been listening to authors like Robin Sharma of the 5am club or the miracle morning to get inspiration to wake up early and own my day.

But let me give you a bit of background as to why this can sometimes be a challenge to commit to.

As the fifth born in the family, our culture like most would accommodate special times in our lives to give us the support we need to succeed.

Whether it’s buying your first home, having a baby, moving houses or inviting a family friend over to live for a few months. For me this involves looking after a family of seven, with a gorgeous baby who can melt your heart when he smiles.

It’s been a blessing, especially during these times of uncertainty that there are people in the home you can laugh and share your dreams and ideas with.

However, it comes with the challenge of making sure that simple things like; making sure dinner is set on time, avoiding distractions so you can put your head down and focus, helping parents with the latest tech because they find it difficult to navigate. On top of that, finding a strategic way to make sure you go to bed on time (I hope you can relate).

Whether you live on your own, it can also be challenging to avoid things like boredom to creep in and before you know it, you’ve seen a whole series on Netflix or YouTube.

It doesn't have to be this way because we can take charge of our mornings and elevate our lives to a more fulfilling day.

Here are 6 simple steps;


It's important to set a few things in place to help you get up feeling refreshed the next morning.

Avoiding things like caffeine 3 hrs before bed or not looking at your phone 30mins before you sleep can make a huge difference.

I also found that journaling at the end of the day, can help with anxiety and worry of how tomorrow will be. Here a few practical tips that you can try;

  • Set a do not disturb notification that will close off all apps at a time you choose for bedtime. You can do this on android or iPhone, just remember to allow specific contacts like family to gain access to you in case of an emergency.

  • Run a hot bath with either Epsom salts or bath bombs.

  • Read a book, preferably non educational so it doesn't keep you up at night.

  • Write down 3 things you'll commit to doing the next day

  • Journal your day (Check out my post on journaling here)


Yes, I know this can be very challenging to do.

Especially, when our millennial world focuses more on grinding than resting when needed. Studies show that loss of sleep consistently can cause negative effects to our cognitive and behavioural performance, affecting our mood and also sight in the long run.

I usually aim to be in bed by 11pm on a weekday, but this can prove difficult when you're occupied mentally with how tomorrow will go, but I've found being intentional with your night time routine can help make this become a habit in the long run.

side note: I'm aiming for 9pm one day


I often found that exercising in the morning gives you energy and boosts your mood to get things moving. It releases good endorphins that make you feel good.

Anything from stretching 10 mins a day to a quick 20min walk around your area will do the trick.

This will set you up for the win, giving you a boost of energy, increased alertness and better focus.


Sounds simple but it works for me all the time.

Did you know that bringing in light into your house or room can make you feel more awake?

An article by health line shows that allowing natural light can boost your mood and also help reduce feelings of depression. Personally, natural light has given me that extra energy boost to pick up my exercise mat to exercise and work more efficiently.

Try it out for a week and let me know your thoughts. I hope it will change the game for you.


The best thing you can do in the morning is read to educate, empower and enhance.

I begin most of my mornings reading a devotional and if time permits, I'll journal down some notes from my books.

If you're not much of a reader, podcasts and TED talks are a good way to learn and grow. You can download a free app of these and choose a subject of choice that will increase your learning. You'll be inspired and motivated to go about your day.

Another benefit is that you're most focused in the morning than any other time during the day, so reading has wonderful benefits to bring about creative ideas and insights.


There are many known benefits to meditating as it brings in focus and helps to set your intention for the day. Most people pray and meditate to reduce stress and worry.

Prayer is also effective in that it reminds us to focus less on ourselves and more on others. You're reminded of people in your world or neighbourhood that could need a helping hand.

It's something I plan to do daily, reminding myself that building my life also involves building others.

All of this to say, that we're not perfect and I'm certainly mastering the art of winning my mornings 80% of the time to get closer to accomplishing my goals.

One way to do this is to get an accountability partner or friend who can keep track of your progress and challenge you if needed.

What are some of the things you do in the morning to be productive?

Let me know any tips that you've been doing to win your morning and also any failures. We're all in this together.




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