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Solomon's Story

I’ve been enjoying the book of 1st Kings, following the story of Solomon, how he lived his life and the many things he accomplished. Before Solomon was appointed King, his father David encouraged him to observe the requirements of God’s word to be successful. (1 Kings 2:3)

Here are a SIX powerful lessons, we can all learn from the life of Solomon.

1. He was a builder

Solomon owned his own palace and ships that brought in more resources. He wasn’t just a king but also a visionary. Solomon also encouraged Shimei (son of Gera), to build her own house and live in the city. (1 Kings 2:36).

How are you building your life and on what foundation?

2.He loved God and his house.

1 Kings 3:3 shows us that Solomon loved the Lord and followed the decrees of his father. He honoured his father David, by building the temple. Solomon regularly visited the place of worship in Gibeon and offered sacrifices to the Lord.

Although, these were burnt offerings, in our day it represents believers (followers of Christ) to honour God through our lives and bodies. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind that he will find acceptable, (Romans 12:1).

From there, we find the famous verse where God appears to Solomon in a dream, asking what he wants or longs for, “and God said, what do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!”

3. Wisdom was more valuable than money.

Wisdom is known as “the quality of obtaining insight, understanding, knowledge and good judgement.” Often, we tend to search for fame and money. Our human tendency is to hustle and grind to build up our savings or hopefully build wealth in the future. These are all good traits, but they can often cloud our judgement on the best choices that will be develop us into the person God wants us to become.

God approaches Solomon in his quiet space, at night in a dream and says, “ask for anything and I’ll give it to you.” Solomon could’ve easily asked for money, a big house, lavish car but instead asks for wisdom.

The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for "wisdom,” and he goes on to become the wisest man on earth – literally! “I will give you what you asked for! I will give you a wise and understanding heart such as no one else has had or ever will have!” (1 Kings 3:12)

Look at God! Not only does he bless Solomon with wisdom, but he also gives him what he didn’t ask for, riches and fame! “No other king in the all the world will be compared to you for the rest of your life.” vs 13

If you need wisdom, ask God today, who gives generously without finding fault. (James 1:5)

Let's lean in every morning and ask for wisdom in our homes, work and relationships.

4. He honoured his parents

Solomon fulfilled the promise of his father David by building the temple of God. He also followed David’s instruction to keep the requirements of God’s word.

In chapter 9, from verse 3-5, the Lord appears to Solomon after completing the building of the temple and said, “I have heard your prayer. I consecrate this temple which you have built as the place where I shall be worshiped forever. I will watch over it and protect it for all time."

If you honour your parents me in honesty and integrity, just as Solomon did for his father David, God will watch over and protect what you are building. It goes on to read, "if you obey my laws and do everything, I have commanded you, I will keep the promise I made to your father David when I told him that Israel would always be ruled by his descendants.” (1 Kings 9:5)

5. He was aware of his weaknesses

In verse 7, it reads, "I am like a little child who doesn’t know his way around.” Though Solomon was a king, he understood that he didn’t know it all. He was honest and transparent to share his weaknesses of not knowing how to run a kingdom, and God honoured that.

I found this challenging, as the older I became and was placed in positions of responsibility.

The pressure of having others think you know what you’re doing, was straining, and exhausting.

However, Solomon here shows us that whether we become kings or queens, managers or pastors, worship leaders or entrepreneurs, there’s always room to learn and grow.

I believe we’ll never truly get to a place of full knowledge, but we can rest in the hope that God knows everything, our past, present, and future.

6. Partnerships are better than solo working

We need others to grow and become effective in our lives. For Solomon to complete building the temple, he received helped from King Harim of Tyre. In a particular passage we see King Harim supplying gold to help with the interior of Solomon’s temple. (1 Kings 9:11).

I’ve found that partnerships have strengthened my walk-in life, whether it’s my career, faith, and relationships.

Is there one thing you can pick out from Solomon's story and start doing today?




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